Scorching Flames Greased Lightning

No community price has been set for this item.
1 for sale $250.00
Classifieds Trends
History Prices are normalised to historic values.
Buy Orders 7 in demand
90 keys
⭐ | I'm willing to beat stn/ buyers | ⭐ ⭐ | Add me for negotiations/bulk trades | ⭐ ⭐ | Also buying TF2 & CS:GO backpacks with keys & crypto | ⭐
11 keys
Buying for the listed Price send me a trade offer
10 keys
Buying Quicksells, backpacks and things like that, if there is a b/o higher than mine just lmk and imma see if i can beat it *if isnt too inflated :3
10 keys
Buying for 𝟏𝟎 𝒌𝒆𝒚𝒔, Stock: [𝟎 / 𝟏] (Double click + Ctrl C) sell_Unusual_Greased_Lightning